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Showing posts from November, 2009

v14 Patching Error Solution

 Have you been getting problems while patching v14? Follow these simple steps to solve your problem Download this Extract the manual patch to your Flyff folder  Open Flyff and let it patch Click start For Resource was falsified problems Follow the stewps above but do not click start Extract the manual patch to your Flyff folder  Click Start For Vista users who have been receiving the File not Found  Problem. Try this: 1. Log onto an admin account 2. Turn off your firewall settings, or antivirus settings 3. Restart PC 4. Repatch  To see more solutions: Click here Credits goes to HeroicBRM for the solutions and Frau for giving me a heads up xD That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

PFLyff v14 NOW UP!

 It's now the moment that you've all been waiting for! The servers are now up! Get ready to explore Harmonin and face the dreaded Lord Vampine of Aminus! Are you lost and you can't find your way to Harmonin? Click here for a quick guide on how to get there. Patch your clients and let's go! go! go! To heat things up there will be a MOD EXP for this weekend! Stock up on Amplification Scrolls now! To celebrate v14, join the forum events, to win in-game goodies! More details here . That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

Join the v14 Forum events and win in-game prizes!

 Are you ready for v14? Well if you're ready, then we're ready to give you some welcoming spirit! To welcome v14, we will launch a chain of forum events for you guys. these events will run throughout this week.

Cursed Aminus Conquered

Did you think that no one can complete  the Aminus dungeons? Well think again. After approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes, we finally conquered the Cursed Aminus Dungeon! With a handful of premium items. ( by a handful I really mean a LOT!), teamwork, camaraderie, and some random chants and prayers. We succesfully finished a dungeon run. Sadly,the boss did not drop an Ancient weapon. He dropped a moonstone, a topaz and an Aminus piercing box. This is to prove that Vampine can indeed be slayed. :) Thing to watch out for:  The boss has a very high blocking rate He is very dangerous when he is in rage mode He can use debuff, stun, silence, bleeding, poison, pulling and looting. So Scroll of Holy is a must for magic users. Vampine can heal his life into full. Yes, it is irritating. I would like to thank the following for joining me: sUprAncE - Ringmaster Le7t0ver - Billposter VonAerix - Blade MasterMigzee- Knight Jerubaal - Ranger anigelo - Knight Want to kn

PFlyFF v14 launches today!

    A few more hours and PFlyff will launch its latest version, Harmonin: The New frontier!    While waiting, standby for  the forum events that will be held today. Don't miss your chance to win some in-game goodies and you might be just lucky enough to win Luck Wing boxes! Details will be posted later. In other news, our poll ended yesterday. I gave the choices, and you guys voted, so now I'm giving you what you have wanted. GM Kumiko will star the first edition of the Player Profiles Do you have something that you have been itching to ask her? Send your questions to in this format: Character Name: Server: Question: Five random user-submitted questions will be chosen. The interview will be posted by Friday this week, so hang on to your seats! Are you guys ready for v14? That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

Khaifer's Journal Conclusion and Mysterious Journal release

           After all the time and money that Khaifer has spent, will he finally find his one true love? Follow him as his misadventure concludes today, Find out if he will find Casseiopea in the dreaded Aminus dungeon! Click here to read the misadventures.     After a conclusion there should be a fresh start, We will share the contents of the Mysterious Journal found inside the library of the Cursed Aminus Dungeon. Who owns this journal? What knowledge does it hold? Are you worthy enough to unlock its secret? Stay tuned to know more details. In other news, the poll ends at November 22, 2009 7:00 AM so vote for your favorite GMs now! Ask them the things that you want? What's their favorite color? movie? or anything under the sun! Send your questions to in this format: Character Name: Server: Question: Five random user-submitted questions will be chosen. That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure

Full client for PFlyFF V14: Harmonin: The New Frontier now available for download!

   Beyond the Gothern Mountains of Darkon 1 a new continent appears the lost continent of Harmonin . Get your friends and explore its vast land and stumble into the hidden dungeons of Aminus and Cursed Aminus , where savage beasts lurk and great treasure wait to be taken. But be wary of the Guardians of these dungeons, Prince Lycanoce and King Vampine will show no mercy to any who enter their realm. Those who emerge victorious may leave the dungeon with the secret treasures of Harmonin, the Ancient and Vampire weapons long hidden in Roika. Travel lightly on Wings and get to know the Roikan skies a whole new way. Welcome to Harmonin, the new frontier. - FlyFF Team

Aminus Dungeons of Harmonin

      Flyff v14: Harmonin: The New frontier presents us with two new dungeons to conquer, the Aminus dungeon (for levels 1~120 only) and the Cursed Aminus dungeon (for Masters and Heroes only).

Ancient and Vampire Weapon Series

By request, I will be posting the details for the Ancient and Vampire weapon series.

Cursed Aminus Dungeon Run

 Earlier today, We tried to finish a Cursed Aminus Dungeon run. Using my HERO Elementor together with the v14 testers and a handful of premium items, we embarked to the most grueling adventure for the day. First we faced the ants. Yes those Freeking ants! ehrmm--I mean Freek Ants. The bites of those ants can hit up to 16k. Ouch! Say goodbye to the saying "parang kagat lang yan ng langgam" for now.

The V14 Catalogue

 The v14 item guide has now been released. The catalogue has a the title "Multicanus Thesaurus" which is Latin for "Harmonious treasures", basically Treasures of Harmonin :)  Check out the new fashions and looter pets that will soon hit the  Flyff Item Shop. Of course, the catalogue also features the most awaited item, the WINGS! You should also check out the Ancient and Vampire weapon series. Know how it can make you stronger and possibly richer! All details for the items can be found here. That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

PFlyFF v14 Countdown!

Here's official news about the official launch of PFlyFF v14: Harmonin : The New Frontier. Well, Surprise!!! It will patch next Monday,  November 23,2009 ! So what are you waiting for, join us with the countdown before we journey through the new frontier! A countdown widget has been placed on the top of the blog so you can keep track of your time! Hurry and powerlevel to the max so that you can face the new challenges that lies in Harmonin.  MOD EXP rates are being negotiated at the moment, so watch out for the news! Side note: If bad things happen and things don't work out as planned, release can be moved to December 2, 2009 That's all for now, 'til the next post. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

The V14 Treasure chest

On Wednesday, we will officially reveal what new items you can look forward to getting when v14 arrives. Ancimys will preview the different knickknacks that you can get, along with witty side comments to make it fun. BTW, Don't forget to join the poll. You can also send some questions that you want to be asked to whoever wins in the poll. Send your questions to in this format: Character Name: Server: Question: Five random user-submitted questions will be chosen. That's all for now, 'til the next post.   If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

Khaifer's Log now up!

Hurray! We're up! What are we supposed to do now? Well basically, you'll have to wait for me to update xD This blog will contain a lot of different things, ranging from Gaming to Everything under the sun! Random games with LU! Credits or in-game items as rewards would be done. Check out who is who in Monthly Player Profiles. And of course, you will all be forced to read my random mumblings too! Mwahahaha. That's all for now, Keep posted. *I would like to thank Google for that penguin thingy.