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Cursed Aminus Dungeon Run

 Earlier today, We tried to finish a Cursed Aminus Dungeon run. Using my HERO Elementor together with the v14 testers and a handful of premium items, we embarked to the most grueling adventure for the day.

First we faced the ants. Yes those Freeking ants! ehrmm--I mean Freek Ants. The bites of those ants can hit up to 16k. Ouch! Say goodbye to the saying "parang kagat lang yan ng langgam" for now.

Next in line were those wretched Moul Mice and Creepy Centipedes (WOW! This dungeon is surely infested),just like the ants, they sure pack a punch.

After defeating the giant ant, mouse and centipede. We ran as fast as we could through the hall of monsters (still ants, mice and centipedes). xD Well, we have to do it to save time, though it was very painful indeed.

Past the hall of monsters, we entered the room of Lykanoce of Death. It's just like a lawolf on steroids o_o After a lot of used SORs and Remantis we finally defeated it.

Now it is time for the real thing...the boss of all bosses. The Vampine of Death!

We tried to slay it but it was too strong and it cheated! well not cheated per se, it regenerated it's life into full :sigh: So we gave up.

After 6 hours and 45 minutes we didn't finish the dungeon, but at least we were able to fight with Vampine :)

Here are some tips for other brave souls, it's up to you if you want to follow them:
  • You need 2 tankers  and a lot of damagers
  • You need a lot of premiums! most specially Remantis and SORs
  • Try luring mobs one by one, take it slowly.
  • Pray that there will be no latency xD

Good luck for those who want to hunt for the Ancient and Vampire weapons, may you succeed.

I would like to thank the ff for joining me:
  • Le7t0ver                 -  Billposter
  • sUprAncE               -  Ringmaster
  • KristineEmerald       -  Knight
  • pAtch3z                   - Psykeeper
  • Wrath                      -  Jester
  • PlugOandOPlay       - Ranger

That's all for now, 'til the next post.

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