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Journal of an Adventurer solution.

Well, now that somebody has already won the event. I can now release the solution.

  • First step, Decode the details in the given page
The page actually a cryptogram. If you decode it correctly you will get:

"The information you seek can be found in -- age frosh ilk"

Age frosh ilk? WTH is that? o_o 

Well, it is actually an anagram of Khaifer's Log, which will lead you here. I hid a something in the lower part of the blog, so if you scroll down and press ctrl A, you will see this:

Take this test to prove yourself worthy. 

         Get 80% correctly and you will receive a congratulatory message and  the image link.


  • Next, Decode the page
          How? I used one of Julius Caesar's codes for this, one called 'Caesar's box'
          Need more details about it? Google it :P

          Basically you need to make the words into a box.

 f e a e o r
 i n g w u e
n e e h t h
d x s e t e
t t o r h h
h p m e e e

         Read it downwards and you will see, find the next page somewhere out there hehe.

         Somewhere out there? Hmm... do you need to search the whole interwebs? Nah, just do a forum search and you will see this thread. CLICK


  • Now what to do? Breath slowly, and...
         Scoop with...scoop with what? o_o and what are those alphanumeric     for?

        Well like the fist one, this is another anagram. Scramble the letters and you can
         get:        showtopic

         Show topic? What topic? Now that is what the alphanumerics are used for.

        A9 B1 C1 D6 E4. Well it's just the arrangement of the numbers. so

         showtopic=91164  when used in the forums, can be seen here.


  • Maybe?
Now what? Now you follow the instructions, PM me with your answer.

The correct answer is HERO CLOAK. if you get that right I'll give you the next page.


  • Oh great...more random somethings
      Those are not just random somethings, those are words. Words that were           encoded using the "masonic cipher". Google for more info.

       If you decode correctly, you will get:

  do you remember the old yin scam maybe it could help you 


  • Yin Scam? I'm no scammer!
     Hey Mr.Scammer! We will no ban you!

     Just Kidding! Well there was no Yin Scam :P

     Again Yin Scam is an anagram. Rearrange the letters and you will form Ancimys. Yes, Ancimys the forum event mascot magic box. PM Ancimys to get more information.

If you PM Ancimys,  he will ask you if you know the magic word that was used to find him last time.

If you remember the event 'A Puzzling Acquaintance' an image name was formed by the puzzle pieces. That was 'Deusexpirorirue'. that was the magic word that Ancimys needed. If you respond with that answer, then Ancimys will give you a page.


  • Braille??
     Yes, Braille. Now that one is easier to translate, Alpha Revelry One.

      Another anagram? Yes. Jumble the letters and you can form Roleplayer Haven.

      Uh? Where can I find it in Roleplayer Haven? Study the image carefully, it's filename is idk.

      idk? I don't know? Well yes. A thread goes by that name. CLICK


  • Hurray! 2 pages left

Oh look! Hearts and stuff- Do I need to decode the again? No. if you look carefully you can see numbers, those are the ones that needs decoding.

Decode them properly to get :

Find the matrix and you shall find the thing that you need


  • The matrix? Do I need to dodge bullets and stuff?
            No, you don't need to. You just need to do a forum search of 'the matrix'. If you do it correctly you will see this thread. CLICK
          Oh noes! Alien speak!

           Don't worry, it's just binary. Translate it properly and you would get
 'u r almost der find d oldest son of bobo to get what u need'


  • OMG! OMG! I'm on the lastest part!
           You're near, but this is not the last step.  As said earlier find the eldest son of Bobo. Which means you need to find Boboku. There is no Boboku member in the forums so you have to do a search.

           Yes, I know a lot of results came up, but if you have lots of patience and if you check all the boboku named threads, you will find this.


  • Am I finished already? Did I win?
           No, not yet :P

          You still need to decode the page that you found. This one is quite easy, you just need to read it backwards. It will be read like this:
'almost there deliver all these pages to the eldest sage for translation rewards await you'

         Just follow what it says, send the pages to the eldest sage (Radion).

         If you PM him, he will give instructions on how you will win.

-------------------CONGRATULATIONS YOU WON!--------------------

Congratulations, Clarion of Shade, a job well done.

  • Most of the codes used were used in the past events
  • The new codes were inspired from Dan Brown Novels
  • There is actually a Journal of an Adventurer quest in-game

That's all for now, 'til the next post.

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